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Is it time for your little furry friend to get their first groom, or maybe they had a bad experience elsewhere. Allow me to explain how we introduce puppies to grooming at our salon.


Puppies must be 12 weeks old with 3 dhpp vaccines, bordetella & a rabies vaccine.


Here I will explain the steps for our puppies 

1st Step

Upon check-in I will go over what to excpect. Then I'll take your pup and place the in a suite until all drop offs are checked-in. Then your pup & myself will go outside and have some play/bonding time. This allows them to come out their shell and trust in me. Without trust, grooming will be very difficult.

2nd Step

Your pup will then go to get their bath. After bath time, they will be wrapped up with a towel and placed back in their suite for a break.

3rd Step

Now I will grab your pup & begin the drying process. First I start with the dryer on a low setting allowing them to see its okay, & even receive some treats to reward them as they are being good. Then we start brushing your pup out & begin with a tidy. So I will trim their eyes, potty areas, pads & round out their paws.  Then I'll turn on the clippers & just rub over them to see their reaction. most puppies at this point FREAK out because its new sounds and feelings to them. If they stress or freak out to bad, I'll stop

Pick- up

At this point, its time to go home. When you arrive I will let you know how they day, & what steps are next to help them prepare for their full haircut. Sometime basic owner homework works & other times we need to go on a Puppy Program & start building a stronger bond using Positive reinforcement, treats, play time, quick visits, and go at their own speed.


Programs can be 6-12 weeks long but are guaranteed to have that first haircut without traumatizing your pup.

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